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  Suspension (7)

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The Mackinac Bridge . Open in a new windowLink Details
- History of the development and construction of the bridge which opened in 1957. Essay by David J. Olson.
- http://www.michigan.gov/hal/0,1607,7-160-17451_18670_18793-53649--,00.html

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Building the Mackinac Bridge Open in a new windowLink Details
- Features the construction period: 1954-57, bridge facts, references and related links.
- http://www.great-lakes.net/teach/history/macbridge/mac_1.html

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Tsing Ma Bridge Open in a new windowLink Details
- Construction article and image gallery. Spans the Ma Wan Channel, Hong Kong.
- http://www.cityu.edu.hk/CIVCAL/book/bridge.html

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Stretto di Messina Open in a new windowLink Details
- Project data on the suspension bridge over the Strait of Messina. Includes statistics, videos, simulations, articles, and news.
- http://www.strettodimessina.it/

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The Millennium Bridge Open in a new windowLink Details
- Project and construction details of this pedestrian river crossing over the Thames. Features technical data, drawings, video, and photograph gallery.
- http://www.arup.com/millenniumbridge/

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The Humber Bridge Open in a new windowLink Details
- A wide range of information about the construction and operation of the bridge, including history, administration, events listings and webcams.
- http://www.humberbridge.co.uk/

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High Coast Bridge Open in a new windowLink Details
- Modelled on San Francisco's Golden Gate bridge. The suspension bridge across the Ångermanälven river was constructed between 1993 and 1997. Includes construction photographs and webcam.
- http://www.hogakustenbron.nu/fr_live_eng.htm

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