A Guide to Oregon Covered Bridges - Oregon Department of Transportation offers photographs and brief histories of a selection of the over 50 surviving spans in the state. - http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/BRIDGE/
Wikipedia: Covered bridge - A description, history and gallery of examples of this bridge type from the free encyclopedia. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Covered_bridge
Wikipedia: Kapellbrücke - The lakeside Swiss city of Lucerne is famous for its medieval wooden Chapel Bridge (largely restored). An illustrated article from the collaborative encyclopedia. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kapellbr%C3%BCcke
Covered Bridges of West Virginia - Ryan Post's easily-navigated presentation of the subject. Photographs and information on 17 remaining bridges. Descriptions with diagrams of the different truss systems. Bibliography. - http://users.hrea.coop/post/
Columbia County Covered Bridges - Official guide to 23 covered bridges in or spanning the border of this county of Pennsylvania: images and brief histories of each. - http://columbiapa.harrymartenas.com/covered.bridges/
Covered Bridges - Inventory by Dale Travis of structures in the United States, Canada, and China. Includes maps and photographs. - http://www.dalejtravis.com/bridge/cbridges.htm
Historic Covered Bridges of Georgia - Photographs, maps and information about Georgia's 12 remaining covered bridges from the Georgia Department of Transportation Bridge Design Office. - http://www.dot.state.ga.us/specialsubjects/specialinterest/covered/
Ohio's Covered Bridges - This guide from the Ohio State Department of Transport provides photographs and information on each covered bridge via a location map. - http://www.dot.state.oh.us/se/coveredbridges/
National Historic Covered Bridge Preservation Program - U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration program. Lists structures selected to be included in the program by year. - http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/covered.htm
Back in Time: Ohio's Vanishing Covered Bridges - Rickie Longfellow gives a history of covered bridges in America, with a focus on Ohio. From the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration's publication FHWA News. - http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/back0804.htm
Ashtabula County Ohio Covered Bridge Festival - An annual festival. Gives photographs and descriptions of each covered bridge in the county. - http://www.coveredbridgefestival.org/
Covered Bridges of Maine - The Department of Transportation presents a history of the state's covered bridges and a tour via clickable map: photographs and information on the 9 surviving bridges. - http://www.maine.gov/mdot-stage/covered-bridges/wooden.php
Oregon's Covered Bridges - History and county by county guide, with photographs and descriptions. Also an explanation of truss types, with diagrams. - http://home.comcast.net/~draft10/bridges/bridges.html
Indiana Covered Bridges - A few photographs by Dale Catron, with information on the Kennedy family of bridge builders of Rush County. - http://www.qsl.net/kb9ocq/cb.html
Covered Bridges of Michigan - Gallery and history of the few remaining covered bridges in the state. - http://my.net-link.net/~michaelf/covered.htm
The Covered Bridges of New Brunswick - Has photographs of all 66 covered bridges in the province, including two that burned in 2001. - http://summerville-novascotia.com/CoveredBridges/index.html
The Covered Bridges of Madison County - Construction data and photographs of the six remaining bridges within the county. - http://www.madisoncounty.com/bridge.html
Kentucky Covered Bridges - Interactive map with photographs and data. - http://www.uky.edu/KentuckyAtlas/CoveredBridges/
Historic Covered Bridges of Michigan - Data and photographs of three bridges built in 1858 in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan. - http://my.net-link.net/~michaelf/historic.htm
The Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of Pennsylvania - Promotes the preservation of covered bridges in the state. Includes details of activities, an illustrated guide to truss types and a list of covered bridges in the state. - http://www.tbcbspa.com/
Covered Bridges of Indiana - The County History Preservation Society list of all covered bridges in Indiana with descriptions, photographs and location maps. - http://www.countyhistory.com/coveredbridge/
Covered Bridges of the Northeast USA - Hank Bickel gives photographs, descriptions, locations and historical facts on bridges in the states of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Connecticut. - http://coveredbridgesite.com
Oregon Covered Bridges Directory - The Covered Bridge Society of Oregon provides photographs and information on each of the surviving historic covered bridges in the state, and a forum. - http://coveredbridges.stateoforegon.com/
Bennington County Covered Bridges - A virtual driving tour and history of five covered bridges in this part of Vermont, courtesy of the area chamber of commerce. - http://www.bennington.com/chamber/Bridges/
Cottage Grove's Covered Bridges - Cottage Grove Net describes the six covered bridges in this town in Oregon. Pictures and history. - http://cottagegrove.net/history/covered_bridges/index.html
Vermont Covered Bridges - An extensive collection of Vermont covered bridge photographs and descriptions from Virtual Vermont. - http://www.virtualvermont.com/coveredbridge/
Covered Bridges of Swanzey, New Hampshire - Fund-raising site to restore the Slate Covered Bridge, burned by an arsonist in 1993. History, photographs, progress reports. Hosted by Cheshire County USA. - http://www.tmclark.com/Bridges/bridges.html
Bridges to the Past: Alabama's Covered Bridges - TV program. Photographs and details of the bridges featured. Videos available. Hosted by the University of Alabama Center for Public Television and Radio. - http://www.alabamatv.org/bridges/
New York State Covered Bridge Society - Dedicated to promoting and preserving New York's historic covered bridges. Map of bridge locations, with list linked to photographs and details. - http://www.nycoveredbridges.org/
National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges - This American non-profit society publishes the World Guide to Covered Bridges, a quarterly magazine and a newsletter, excerpts from which are online. Hosted by Joseph Nelson. - http://www.vermontbridges.com/nspcb1st.htm
Old Covered Bridges of Pennsylvania - Photographs and information from Dr Roger McCain, Professor of Economics. - http://william-king.www.drexel.edu/top/bridge/CB1.html