Galileo Project Home
- NASA's homepage for the Jupiter-orbiting spacecraft. Flyby news, mission status updates, educational information, a summary of Galilean discoveries, and an extensive image gallery.
Galileo SSI Team Science Page - Technical information on Galileo's camera and its data. -
Science with the Galileo Star Scanner - Offers technical papers on how this navigation instrument can also be used for scientific observations, such as radiation detection and observation of variable stars. -
Universe Today: Galileo News - A selection of news reports on the Galileo mission. -
The Galileo Mission - Spacecraft and mission information, with links to related sites. -
Galileo Project Information - Mission information and overview, with links to related sites. -
Galileo/NIMS Home Page - Information on the Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer. -
NASA Probes Crashing Explorer - NASA is considering a plan to crash Galileo at the end of its mission into Jupiter to avoid the possibility of the satellite contaminating possible life on Europa. -,1282,37387,00.html
Countdown to the next Galileo Flyby - Illustrated information on the previous and upcoming Galileo flybys. -
Galileo WebChat - Archive of online discussions with Galielo team members. -
Galileo to Jupiter - A general introduction to the mission, with extensive links. -
Galileo Europa Mission - GEM - a highly focused follow-on to Galileo's Jupiter system exploration and a precursor for future missions to Europa and Io. GEM will conduct a detailed study of Europa over 14 months, then plunge repeatedly through the Io Plasma Torus to reach volcan -