Power Systems Analysis Software - A suite of software with modules for conducting a wide range of power system studies. - http://www.cyme.com
VALCAP – Monitoring System for Overhead Line Conductors - an embedded fibre optic system for overhead transmission lines to optimize their capacity. This system will enable operators to respond in real time to transmission requests or overload conditions. - http://www.valcap.biz
Power Distribution Software - Load flow, short circuit, energy auditing and GIS software for electric power distribution - http://nexgenconsultancy.com
Distribution Networks Real Time Restoration - Software engine for real time restoration and reconfiguration of large scale electrical distribution networks. - http://digilander.libero.it/stockbroker/adiscon.html
EMTP-RV - Electro magnetic transient program, for the transient analysis of power systems - the DCG Restructured Version (EMTP-RV) - http://www.emtp.com
Milsoft Utility Solutions - Software and services for integrated engineering analysis, outage management and interactive voice response systems - http://www.milsoft.com
Power & Water Systems Consultants Ltd - Consulting and research services in the fields of power and water resource development. Software for modelling, simulating & optimising combined hydroelectric and thermal power generation systems operation and expansion. - http://www.pwsc.co.uk
ATP Alternative Transient Program - Electromagnetic transient modelling software for power systems also known as ATP/EMTP. Royalty free software - http://www.eeug.de
PSCAD/EMTDC - Electromagnetic power transient software first created by the HVDC labs of Manitoba Hydro - http://pscad.com/
PLECS - Power Electronics Modelling - Simulation of electrical circuits within the MATLAB/Simulink environment. It is specially designed for power electronic and drive systems. - http://www.plexim.com
IPSA Power Ltd Power System Analysis Software - software for the design, operation and planning of electrical generation, transmission and distribution systems. - http://www.ipsa-power.com
CDEGS Grounding and Earthing Analysis - Complex grounding and earthing design, electromagnetic compatibility, interference analysis and lightning and surge studys - http://www.sestech.com
LineDesign Engineering - Overhead line design software for electric utilities, including pole loading and guying. - http://www.linedesignengineering.com/index.html
Fractal Power Engineering Software - Power engineering software development, load flow, and short circuit analysis, with a graphical user interface. - http://www.fractal.hr/index_en.htm
AMTECH Power Software - Design and verification software for high and low-voltage distribution systems. Covers IEC and NEC standards, protective device coordination and lighting design. - http://www.amtech-power.com/
Powerex - Power distribution software, load flow and short circuit studies. - http://powerex.150m.com
Operation Technology, Inc. - Designers and developers of ETAP PowerStation, software for analysis and design of electrical power systems and PSMS, real-time power management system. - http://www.etap.com
MiPower - Software package for power system analysis. - http://www.mipowersoftware.com
Ground-it.com Consulting Ltd. - Software for power system analyses required to determine ground potential rise, calculations to determine step and touch potentials, and calculations related to effects of induction and ground currents on pipelines. - http://www.ground-it.com/
Flashworks - Electrical service load calculations for buildings based on North American electrical design codes. - http://www.flashworks.com/
Energy Computer Graphics Ltd - Produces SPARD AM/FM/GIS analysis software for electrical distribution. - http://www.energyco.com/
Electrotek Concepts - Power quality and energy efficiency analysis tools - http://www.electrotek.com/
Electranix Corporation - PSCAD is a platform for building simulations of electric power and power electronic systems, controls and protections. - http://www.electranix.com
EDSA Micro Corporation - Electrical power systems design software, including reliability software for electrical power systems. - http://www.edsa.com
Dromey Design - Advanced software tools designed for the analysis and management of electrical distribution systems. - http://www.dromeydesign.com/
Scram Engineering - Offer simulation software for nuclear power plants. - http://users.skynet.be/scram
Caspoc - Power system simulation, for power electronics and electrical drives. - http://www.caspoc.com/