MineralProspector.com - Guide to prospecting for minerals around the world. Details equipment needed, mineralogy basics, land staking, sampling, assaying and metallurgical extraction. - http://www.mineralprospector.com/
49er Mike's Prospectors Cache - Gold locations, clubs, forums, tips and tricks, links, photos, and products. - http://www.49ermike.com/
Prospector's Paradise - Information on the history and geology of gold, mining terms, ideas on where to look for gold and technical articles. - http://www.prospectorsparadise.com
Exploring for Copper Deposits - Explains the basic prospecting fundamentals needed to identify a viable copper deposit. - http://www.beloit.edu/~SEPM/Rocks_and_minerals/exploring_for_copper.html
Minin' Gold - Covers what gold is, where to find it, how to get it, and mining equipment. - http://miningold.com/
StanGrist.com - Courses and e-books for the hobby gold prospectors, treasure hunters, and explorers. - http://www.stangrist.com/
ICMJ's Prospecting and Mining Journal - Covers dredging, mining, metal detecting, prospecting for gold. Published monthly since 1931. - http://www.icmj.com/
Gold Miners HQ - Directory of information about publications, equipment, clubs, and properties for sale. - http://www.goldminershq.com/