American Fighting Vehicle Database - A directory of American fighting vehicles from 1916 to the present. Includes detailed specifications and photographs of tanks and other armoured vehicles. - - A directory of world naval weapons from 1880 to the present day. Includes specifications and photographs of naval guns, torpedoes, and missiles. -
ORDATA online - A US government sponsored database of world landmines and unexploded ordnance. Includes photographs, diagrams and specifications of various items of ordnance. -
HowStuffWorks: Weapons - Articles on a variety of weapons. -
Small Arms in the Marine Corps - Contains articles, information, nomenclature, tactics, and debates about the weapons of the U.S. Marine Corps. -
Metal Storm Limited - This research and development company developed a completely electronic ballistics technology for storing, transporting and electronically firing projectiles. -
G2mil Military Research Portal - Military portal featuring future weapons, modern warfare, future warfare, military affairs, tactics, and military forces. -
Jane's Missiles and Rockets - Authoritative news and detailed analyses of technology and techniques of the missile world. -
How Stuff Works: How Exoskeletons Will Work - Article shows how a wearable robotic system could give soldiers the ability to run faster, carry heavier weapons and leap over large obstacles. -
Russian weapons and military technologies - Armaments and military equipment of Russia and CIS countries. Based on international military exhibition "VTTV-Omsk-99" -
HSV Technologies Inc. - Development of a non-lethal weapon that uses ultraviolet laser beams to harmlessly immobilize people and animals at a distance. -