Lord Corporation. - Manufacturers of Magneto-Rheological Fluids and related products. - http://www.lord.com/tabid/3317/Default.aspx
Dare Instruments - Manufacturers of kinematic viscometers for used oil analysis. - http://www.dareinc.com/index.htm
Trilogica - Thermal Analysis and Rheology - European suppliers of thermal analysers, rheometers, accessories, spare parts and consumables. Also provide training and consultancy services - http://www.trilogica.com/
Reologica Instruments AB - Manufacturer of rheology and viscometry instrumentation. - http://www.reologica.se
Fluid Dynamics, Inc. - Rheology testing services for fluids and solids using state of the art instrumentation. - http://www.fluiddynamics.com/
Future Digital Scientific, Asia Inc. - Surface tension tensiometer, separation and stability analyzer, viscometer and contact angle meter. - http://www.fdsc.com.tw/
Marimex - Canadian manufacturer of process viscometers and other in-line fluid analyzers. - http://www.marimex.cc
Paar Physica USA - Manufacturers of rheometers and viscometers - http://www.paarphysica.com/
Freeman Technology - Instrumentation for characterising dry and wet powders, measuring powder flow and powder characteristics. . - http://www.freemantech.co.uk/
Bohlin Instruments - Rheology instruments and viscometers. - http://www.bohlinusa.com/
Caleva Process Solutions Ltd - Producing spheronizers, extruders, rheometers and associated equipment for pharmaceutical, neutraceutical, agrochemical and chemical industries. - http://www.caleva.co.uk/
GÖttfert - Rheology for the plastics and rubber industry manual, semi-automated and robotic laboratory, as well as on-line and at-line rheometers. There is an American branch. - http://www.goettfert.com/
Reologica Instruments, Inc. - Manufacturer of research grade Rheometers for the serious Rheologist. - http://www.reologicainstruments.com/
Physica Messtechnik GmbH - Produces and distributes measuring and control instruments for rheology, viscometry and rheometry. - http://www.physica.de/
Maple Instruments - Specializing in dynamic mechanical thermal analyzers (DMTA). Rheology services that include new and used instrument sales, rheological sample testing and servicing of most brands of rheometers. - http://www.mapleinstruments.com/
Anton Paar Gmbh - Producer of a variety of instruments and contract manufacturer of high-precision mechanical parts; production of the first electronic density meters. - http://www.anton-paar.com/
ATS RheoSystems - Produces rheometers and viscometers, dynamic mechanical thermal analyzers, dynamic shear rheometers, and provides rheological applications training and technical service and support. - http://www.atsrheosystems.com/
Rheology Advantage - A provider of consulting, testing, research and development services and training in rheology. - http://www.rheologyadvantage.com/
Research Equipment - Viscometers and viscosity solution measuring equipment. - http://www.research-equipment.com/