Oak Ridge Centers for Manufacturing Technology and National Prototype Center - Established to solve tough manufacturing problems for U.S. government and industry. ORCMT serves as a catalyst for applied research, development,design, prototyping, production, and training. - http://www.ornl.gov/sci/fed/rfweb/orcmt.html
University of Cambridge Institute for Manufacturing - Information about education and research programs in this center, which integrates the traditionally separate managerial and technical views of manufacturing. - http://www-mmd.eng.cam.ac.uk/
The Manufacturing Engineering Centre - Centre of expertise in manufacturing engineering and specialist services in time compression technologies . - http://www.mec.cf.ac.uk/
Manufacturing Automation Laboratory, University of British Columbia - Research in the mechanics and dynamics of metal cutting operations, machine tool structures, design of DSP based open architecture modular motion and machining process control systems for machine tools. - http://www.mech.ubc.ca/~mal/
The Laboratory for Manufacturing Automation - University of California, Berkeley. Research related to both precision manufacturing issues and burr formation in metal cutting. - http://lma.berkeley.edu/index.html