Hybrid Lighting - Development of hybrid lighting systems using alternatively solar light through fiber optics or electrical light, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. - http://www.ornl.gov/sci/solar/
Bomin Solar GmbH - Heliostats and other architectural daylighting and sunlighting products. - http://www.bomin-solar.de/
Solar Control Glazing - Description of a glazing system with solar protection, daylighting and energy saving properties depending on the incident angle of the light. - http://www.lorenz-prismenglas.de/
Joost van Santen - Projects and research with daylight art in architecture and sculpture by the Dutch artist. - http://www.joostvansanten.nl/
Daylight Dividends - A research program to build market demand for daylighting. With information for owners, developers, architects, and engineers, as well as case studies. - http://www.lrc.rpi.edu/programs/daylightdividends/
The Daylight Collaborative - A program of the Energy Center of Wisconsin to incorporate daylighting into mainstream design and construction. - http://www.daylighting.org/
LBL Windows and Daylighting Group - Daylighting related information from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. - http://windows.lbl.gov/daylighting/default.htm
Strawbilt: Daylighting - Description of the daylighting measures taken to improve both the lighting and the energy independence for the Monastery of Christ in the Desert. - http://www.christdesert.org/strawbilt/systems/daylighting.html
Oikos: Skylights and Light Pipes - An excerpt from a book on energy efficiency, outlining the correct application, energy saving potential, and economic criteria of skylights and light pipes. - http://www.oikos.com/library/eem/skylights/
The Pacific Energy Center - Daylighting Initiative - This initiative of the Pacific Gas and Electric education center offers case studies and design support material. - http://www.pge.com/003_save_energy/003c_edu_train/pec/daylight/daylight.shtml
Daylighting - Presentation slides from a daylighting seminar at Hong-Kong University. - http://arch.hku.hk/teaching/SBT99/SBT99-02/sld021.htm
LifLite - A daylight redirection system consisting of specially shaped acrylic profiles within standard insulation glazing. - http://www.liflite.de/engl/index.html
VTT daylight - The Technical Research Centre of Finland offers information about consulting services, reference projects, conservation issues for museums and galleries, and images of lighting simulations. - http://www.vtt.fi/rte/bp/daylight/index.html