U.S. Combined Heat and Power Association - Advocates that combined heat and power receive recognition by U.S., state and local governments as an environmental and economic development strategy. Links and technical information. - http://uschpa.admgt.com/
Energytech - Information about combined heat and power (CHP) including technology, fuel and economic aspects by the Austrian Energy Agency. - http://www.energytech.at/kwk/
Welcome To IDEA - The International District Energy Association. CHP, cogen, and district energy. - http://www.districtenergy.org/
EPA's Combined Heat and Power Partnership - An EPA voluntary program that seeks to reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation by fostering the development of CHP. - http://www.epa.gov/chp/
Combined Heat and Power Information - Information on CHP and DHC (District Heating and Cooling) in the EU. A combined site for several European companies to provide information to consumer, business, and governments. - http://www.chp-info.org/
COGEN EUROPE - The European Association for the Promotion of Cogeneration - Extensive information about cogeneration (simultaneous production of heat and electricity): what it is, how it works, economics, European legislation, barriers to broader implementation, facts and figures about its use, and implications for global warming - http://www.cogen.org/
Midwest Cogeneration Association - MCA works to improve general business conditions of the industry. This non-profit organization provides pertinent information for its members and the public to conduct research, publish reports, and holds seminars and workshops. - http://www.cogeneration.org/index.html
CHPA - The Combined Heat and Power Association works to promote the wider use of combined heat and power, cogeneration, and community heating. - http://www.chpa.co.uk/