HighDef Forum - Dedicated to High Definition technology including camcorders, TVs, DVDs, Cameras, Players/Recorders, and Receivers. - http://www.highdefforum.com
Interactive Color Wheel - Java applet allows viewing and adjusting of color and brightness characteristics of a computer video screen. - http://r0k.us/graphics/SIHwheel.html
Beta Hi-Fi Pal - A historical review of the video format that first became popular in the U.K. and later lost popularity to the VHS format. - http://www.colin99.co.uk/beta.html
Florida Sound Masking, Inc - Sound masking systems - White noise machines and generators to correct problems of office noise and office confidentiality. - http://www.floridasoundmasking.com
The History of Sound Recording Technology - History of sound recording from Edison to MP3. Covers the technologies of sound recording, their impact on culture, and the business of making and selling recorders and recordings. - http://recording-history.org
The Recording Website - Audio recording articles, equipment reviews and message boards. - http://www.recordingwebsite.com
Jong Woo's Page - A list of links related to tubes and audio applications. - http://tubesall.hihome.com/
Head-Fi - Head-Fi is the meeting place for headphone hi-fi enthusiasts. - http://www.head-fi.org/
Vacuum Tube Circuitry for Audio -- Links. - Links to a host of tube audio sites including sites on musical instruments, theory and design, and fabrication. - http://firebottle.com/ampage/bbs/recread.cgi?sub=ga
Musical Instrument Tube Amp Building - Anthology of do-it-yourself instruction for designing and building tube-based instruments. - http://www.geofex.com/tubeampfaq/taffram.htm
World Tube Audio - Extensive list of links and topics on vacuum tube audio applications, projects, theory, and design. Boasts a "world's largest" tube audio links section. - http://www.worldtubeaudio.com/
Tubes Vs.Transistors -- a report. - An essay presented to the AES on the much-debated topic of the tonality of different amplifier technology. - http://www.milbert.com/tstxt.htm
Tube CAD Journal - Active forum for exchange of tube audio ideas and technology. - http://www.tubecad.com/
ePanorama.net - Reference site for all electronics applications. Tutorials on power supplies, testing, audio, microphones, amplifiers, motor control, basic electronics, lasers, radios, digital electronics, and robotics. - http://www.epanorama.net/
How Stuff Works: Camcorder - Basic explanation of the theory behind the workings of a video camcorder. Explanations of theory, formats, manufacturers, FAQ, and How-it-works. - http://www.howstuffworks.com/camcorder.htm
Tube Database - Datasheets for about 3,000 vacuum tubes. - http://www.nj7p.org/cgi-bin/tube
Ampage - Forum for musical instrument electronics amateurs, concentrating on tube amps. - http://www.firebottle.com/ampage/
MPEG Audio Resources and Software - Technical resources for those interested in understanding better the Audio part of MPEG standard. - http://www.mpeg.org/MPEG/audio.html
HAVi Home Audio Video Interoperability - Movement for an openly-licensable specification for networking digital home entertainment products. - http://www.havi.org/
I Love DVD - Everything you needed to know about the shiny little disc including movie reviews, region codes and widescreen explained. - http://www.ilovedvd.co.nz
HeadWize - A non-profit site specializing in headphones and headphone listening. The HeadWize library contains articles, essays, projects and technical papers. There are also link lists and a headphone FAQ. - http://www.headwize.com