Aviation Now
- The premiere online source for aviation and aerospace professionals from the publishers of Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine.
- http://www.aviationnow.com/
French National Aerospace Research Establisment (ONERA) - A public, scientific and technical establishment covering all the scientific disciplines involved in aircraft, spacecraft and missile design. - http://www.onera.fr/english.php
NASA Technical Report Server - Searchable database of technical publications and videos that were created and published by the NASA. - http://ntrs.nasa.gov/
NASA Airspace Systems Program - NASA aviation projects aimed at safely accommodating increased demand for flights. - http://www.asc.nasa.gov
SAE Aerospace Engineering magazine - Technology and product information for design, development, manufacture, and maintenance of air and space vehicles - http://www.aerospaceengineeringmagazine.sae.org
ePower Propulsion and Combustion - A one-stop resource for professionals working in propulsion, power, and combustion fields. - http://www.epower-propulsion.com
Air and Space Magazine - The official magazine of the National Air and Space Museum featuring articles about flight and aviation technology. - http://www.airspacemag.com/
Aerospace Academy for Engineering and Teacher Education - A collaboration of industry, government, and academic communities. The academy addresses the shortages of engineering and other high technology practitioners and the mathematics and science teachers needed to produce that workforce. - http://www.aerospaceacademy.org
Aerospace Data International - Aircraft Systems Modification and Maintenance Data Specialists in development and delivery of high quality Wiring Diagrams, System Schematics and associated data. - http://www.aerospacedata.com
AeroSpace Web - Provides information regarding a wide range of aerospace-related fields, including aircraft design, spacecraft design, aerodynamics, and flight simulation. - http://www.aerospaceweb.org/
Aerospace Queensland - Guide to Aerospace companies in Queensland, Australia. - http://www.aerospacequeensland.com
Aerospace Projects Review - A journal devoted to the untold tales of aerospacecraft design. - http://www.up-ship.com/apr/apr.htm
Space Technology - Latest news on aerospace technology products, alongside international coverage of industry projects. A-Z listing of aerospace contractors and suppliers. - http://www.space-technology.com/
Crosslink Magazine - Crosslink magazine provides technical information from the Aerospace Corporation, a federally funded R&D center focusing on national security space. - http://www.aero.org/publications/crosslink/
Venik's Aviation - Aerospace News and Technical Information - Aviation and aerospace news and technical information. Russian military aviation, anti-aircraft artillery, surface-to-air missiles. US and European military aviation. Russian tanks, APCs, mobile radars. Air-to-air missile technology. - http://www.aeronautics.ru
Federal Aviation Administration - The U.S. government regulatory body for aeronautical and space applications. Provides many on-line regulatory and informational resources. - http://www.faa.gov/
Center for General Aviation Research - Consortium of aeronautical universities collaborating on opportunities for innovation in general aviation research. - http://www.cgar.org/
Modern Aviation Museum - Pictures, background information, and technical specifications for military and civil aircraft - http://www.aerospaceweb.org/aircraft/index.shtml
ASME Aerospace Division - Concerned with mechanical engineering of aircraft and spacecraft design, including materials and life support equipment - http://www.asme.org/divisions/aerospace
AERADE - Directory of Aerospace and Defence Internet resources with reviews. - http://aerade.cranfield.ac.uk
Aerospace Online - Daily news and product updates for professionals in the aerospace industry- Information on manufacturing, technology, equipment, supplies, and discussion forums, online chat, newsletter and software - http://www.aerospaceonline.com/
Aerospace Digital Library - Guided access to aerospace engineering, at all levels. K-12 introductions, university undergrad and graduate courses, publications, data, research and software. Developed by teachers and researchers. - http://www.adl.gatech.edu