High-Frequency Sound Interaction in Ocean Sediments - Paper by D. R. Jackson and K. L. Williams, Applied Physics Laboratory, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. - http://www.apl.washington.edu/programs/SAX99/Program/Overview.html
Material Characterisation Probe - Harri Jeskanen, Pentti Kauppinen, Jorma Pitkänen and Seppo Tähtinen VTT Manufacturing Technology FINLAND (NDT-net - http://www.ndt.net/article/wcndt00/papers/idn628/idn628.htm
Advances in Ultrasonic transducer Development - H.H.J. Huynen, F.H. Dijkstra, T. Bouma, Röntgen Technische Dienst bv, Rotterdam, The Netherlands H. Wüstenberg - http://www.ndt.net/article/wcndt00/papers/idn048/idn048.htm
Acoustoelastic Phenomena of Wood - Yasutoshi Sasaki and Kosei Ando Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya University Nagoya 464-8601, Japan (NDT-net) - http://www.ndt.net/article/v04n11/sasaki/sasaki.htm
Is Calibration Necessary? - Robert A. Day examines the wisdom of neglecting periodic calibration and maintenance for periods of years as has occurred at some institutions. - http://www.xdcr.com/calibration.html