Institute of Sound and Vibration Research - Program at the University of Southampton in the UK. Includes research groups, conferences, undergraduate and postgraduate courses, and vacancies. -
Music Acoustics (at the University of New South Wales, Sydney) - Introductory pages on music acoustics in general, and more specialised pages on the acoustics of flutes, violins, guitars, speech and on cochlear implants. -
3D Imaging Sonar - Underwater Research Lab at Simon Fraser University (SFU) has been researching a new sonar imaging concept called Computed Angle-of-Arrival Transient Imaging (CAATI). -
Acoustics, Vibrations and Dynamics - George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology -
Noise Management Institute - The Noise Management Institute works to improve community understanding of noise management issues and to promote effective problem solving using new media technology. -
NPL Acoustics - Our most fundamental role is to develop and maintain primary measurement standards for sound in air and water across a wide range of frequencies, from the infrasonic to tens of megahertz. -
Active Noise Control - University of Adelaide. Active noise and vibration control group. Current research projects and publications. -
ISVR Consultancy Services - Self-supporting advisory unit within the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton in the UK, involved in teaching, research and consultancy in sound and vibration. -