Bureau of Transportation Statistics - Department of Transportation site that offers transportation data and analysis as well as other related information for all 50 states. - http://www.bts.gov
Walkable Neighborhoods - Promotes livable, pedestrian-oriented communities through a weblog, presentations, links, and photography. - http://www.walkableneighborhoods.com/
Congestion Charging - Information about the scheme from Transport for London. - http://www.cclondon.com/
Pedestrian Dynamics - A research project focusing upon pedestrian movement and simulation using agent-based modelling techniques. - http://www.pedestriandynamics.com/
Live from the Third Rail - Group weblog providing news and commentary on mass transit from around the world. - http://thirdrail.smorgasblog.com/
Victoria Transport Policy Institute - An independent Canadian research organization dedicated to developing innovative and practical solutions to transportation problems. - http://www.vtpi.org/
Promotional Materials Clearinghouse - Archive of transit and transportation demand management marketing materials that facilitates sharing of ideas among public transportation professionals in the U.S. and Canada. - http://nctr.cob.fsu.edu/
Living Streets - UK based campaigning organization for pedestrians and public spaces. Initiator and stakeholder in many practical projects to improve quality and safety of streets (formerly the Pedestrians Association). - http://www.livingstreets.org.uk/
Let's Walk to School... - Official site of the "Walk to School" initiative in the UK, including information on events and resources for teachers, parents, and students. - http://www.walktoschool.org.uk/
Center for Urban Transportation Research - Objective transportation research resource maintained by the College of Engineering at the University of South Florida. - http://www.cutr.usf.edu/
Richard Drdul Community Transportation Planning - Slideshows about sustainable transportation practices, including traffic calming and bicycle planning and design [PDF files]. - http://www.drdul.com/
Transport Blog - Economic libertarian group weblog. Includes personal opinion and discussion of transport and related topics. - http://www.transportblog.com/
Reconnecting America - A national organization focused on the link between transportation and community development, providing resources on transit-oriented development, intercity travel, and new urbanism. - http://www.reconnectingamerica.org/
Texas Transportation Institute - Official research agency for the Texas Department of Transportation and the Texas Railroad Commission, devoted to solving transportation problems. - http://tti.tamu.edu/
Resurfacing Safety Resource Allocation Program - Free Access and Excel templates allowing highway agencies to optimize traffic safety improvements in conjunction with resurfacing projects. - http://rsrap.org/
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center - Information about health and safety, engineering, advocacy, education, enforcement, access and mobility. - http://www.pedbikeinfo.org
Transportation Research Board - Promotes innovation and progress in transportation by stimulating and conducting research, facilitating the dissemination of information, and encouraging the implementation of research results. - http://www.trb.org
Transport Model for Scotland - A multi-modal model covering strategic inter-urban travel within Scotland. - http://www.tmfs.org.uk/
Bike Plan Source - Bicycle planning, advocacy, and program development. Features a planning guide, resource list, and news. - http://www.bikeplan.com/
Surface Transportation Policy Project - U.S. activist website includes current news and topical analyses about a variety of transportation planning topics. - http://www.transact.org/
EPA - Office of Transportation and Air Quality - Protects public health and the environment by controlling air pollution and encouraging travel choices that minimize emissions. - http://www.epa.gov/otaq/
National Transit Institute - Training, education, and clearinghouse services in support of public transportation in the United States. - http://www.ntionline.com
Carfree Cities - A collection of examples and solutions for achieving car-free cities. - http://www.carfree.com/
Transit Oriented Development Advocate - Case studies of light rail station area planning and transit oriented development. - http://www.todadvocate.com/