Psychology Organizations and Conferences
- Descriptions and links to mostly North American psychological and social psychological organizations. Includes details of upcoming conferences.
Society for Constructivism in the Human Sciences - Discussion forum, recommended readings, and book auction. Subscription and table of contents information for print journal. -
International Society for Self and Identity - Scholarly association for social and behavioral scientists. Member directory, membership information, research abstracts, conference programs, and journal. -
Society for Consumer Psychology - Division 23 of the APA. Information on past and upcoming conferences, journal and newsletter, PhD program listings, and membership form. -
European Association of Experimental Social Psychology - Scholarly membership association offering two journals, conferences, travel and other awards; also advertises jobs vacant. Membership application forms for download. -
Society of Experimental Social Psychology - Society for established academic psychologists. Information on membership, annual conference, and, awards. -
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues - Membership information, listserv, conference details, awards, teaching resources, and student pages for Division 9 of the American Psychological Association. -