Hamer, Dean - Geneticist and author of "The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes". - http://rex.nci.nih.gov/RESEARCH/basic/biochem/hamer.htm
Rol, Gustavo - Gustavo Rol and his followers conceive of neurotheology as a "Science capable of showing us that, when man's neuronal system is oriented in a certain direction and manner, it can open the doors to all mysteries". - http://www.gustavorol.org/neurotheology.htm
Newberg, Andrew - Leading neurotheology researcher who conducted famous neuroimaging studies on monks; collaborator with Dr. Eugene d’Aquili; author of "Mystical Mind" and "Why God Won't Go Away". - http://www.andrewnewberg.com/qna.asp
Morse, Melvin - Scientific research on near death experiences, especially in children, and their connection to the right temporal lobe of the brain. - http://www.melvinmorse.com/
Jaynes, Julian - 20th century scientist and thinker, author of "The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind", who believed that religion is a throwback to pre-conscious bicamerality. - http://www.julianjaynes.org/
Boyer, Pascal - Anthropologist, professor, author of the book "Religion Explained", and proponent of the theory that the human mind is predisposed to hold and spread certain types of religious beliefs (Washington University, St. Louis, USA). - http://www.artsci.wustl.edu/~pboyer/