iVillage.com - A variety of entertainment, health and love quizzes. - http://www.ivillage.com/archive/0,,17-3-5,00.html
Fun Quiz Cards - Quizzes about love, dating and personality. The results can be added to blogs and online profiles. - http://www.funquizcards.com/quiz/personality/
About.com - Personality quizzes designed to measure personality dimensions. - http://psychology.about.com/od/psychologyquizzes/Psychology_Quizzes_Personality_and_Academic_Quizzes.htm
gURL.com - A wide variety of informative personality quizzes for teen girls. - http://www.gurl.com/play/quizzes
Swirve.com - Provides personality characteristics in a humorous way and enables comparisons with friends and family. - http://personality.swirve.com/
YouThink.com - Create and take personality quizzes for fun and blogging. - http://www.youthink.com
TeenToday.co.uk - Quizzes that encompass a wide spectrum of teen life including romance, school and friendship. - http://www.teentoday.co.uk/quizpage/
How to detect lies - Offers eye movement tips in order to test whether someone is lying. - http://www.blifaloo.com/info/lies_eyes.php
Limbic Program Quizzes - Provide a rough indication of standing on three limbic scales. - http://www.braintricks.com/quiz/quiz2.html
Resilience Assessment - Analyzes how well people can bounce back from life's setbacks. - http://health.discovery.com/centers/mental/resilience_assessment/resilience_assessment.html
Locus of Control Web Survey - A test that assesses the extent to which an individual possesses internal or external reinforcement beliefs. - http://www.dushkin.com/connectext/psy/ch11/survey11.mhtml
Rate Yourself - Tests on a variety of subject areas including love, career, and aspirations. - http://www.rateyourself.com/
Survivor Personality Quiz - Determines whether the reader possesses important survivor qualities. - http://www.thrivenet.com/articles/oprahqiz.shtml
Parts of Speech Personality Indicator - An analysis of what different parts of speech may say about people. - http://www.slowreads.com/2005/08/prepositional-proposition.html
ScoreLogix - A collection of fun career related tests covering areas such as stress, intuition and procrastination. - http://www.scorelogix.com/testlist.asp
The Dynamics of Sitting - Describes how personality style may be revealed by analyzing seating preference in a classroom setting. - http://www.rider.edu/~suler/sitdynamics.html
Somatotypes - Describes the somatotype theory and the possible biological basis of temperament and personality. - http://www.rider.edu/~suler/somato.html
Personality Lab - Various tests that provide feedback on understanding children and oneself. - http://www.personalitylab.org/
Survey of Life Regrets - Analyzes the regrets that people have in life and displays a comparison of results. - http://www.web-research-design.net/roese/roese.htm
Life Orientation Test - A short interactive test which indicates degree of optimism. - http://www.hksrch.com.hk/quiz/lot.htm
Funtestiq - A collection of entertaining personality tests. - http://www.funtestiq.com/personality/personalitytests.shtml
Morality Play - Interactive quiz that reveals interesting aspects of each person's moral framework. - http://www.philosophersnet.com/games/morality_play.htm
Moral Politics - Political test that attempts to explain how people think by mapping their personal morals. - http://www.moral-politics.com/
Tree Personality - Gives personality descriptions by matching birthdates with different types of trees. - http://www.lunchtimelinks.co.uk/entertain/tree.htm
Myvesta - Money Personality Test - Fun quiz helps users discover which money personality best describes their style of money management. - http://www.myvesta.org/tests/moneypersonality/
The James Gang: The Room - Personality test based on room decoration. - http://www.jamesgang.com/jamesgang/room/roommind.html
Robin Hood Morality Test - Opinions about four characters in a Sherwood Forest story are evaluated in order to express attitudes towards morality and honesty. - http://www.talisman.org/quizzes/robin-hood-morality.shtml
Personality Quiz - Provide analysis and advice by interpreting the user's answers to questions and events. - http://www.personalityquiz.net/
BBC - Surveys and Psychology Tests - A collection of short personality tests. - http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/mind/index_surveys.shtml
Machiavelli Personality Test - This test delineates differences in temperament based on reactions to a 16th century Italian political philosopher. - http://www.salon.com/books/it/1999/09/13/machtest/
Do-Re-Mi's of Personality - Test which shows how some aspects of personality can be explained through music preferences. - http://www.outofservice.com/music-personality-test/
Queendom - Just for Fun Tests - Fun personality tests exploring issues of morality, personal habits and everyday situations. - http://www.queendom.com/tests/minitests/