Gestalt Therapy Forum at Behavior Online - A bulletin board nesting of discussion related to Gestalt therapy theory and practice. -
Victor Daniel's Gestalt Site at Sonoma State University - Provides course syllabus for his teaching, on-line links and resources in several categories, and a list of Gestalt practitioners in the western United States, many of whom are not online. -
International Gestalt Journal - Provides abstracts of past issues with subscription and contact information. -
Gstalt-L email discussion list - Provides a description of this listserv discussion group, which is an on-line community of Gestalt therapists, trainers, and trainees; includes a link to the archives of the list at St. Johns University. -
Gestalt Bookmarks - Offers links for Gestalt therapy-related sites organized by tenets in Gestalt therapy theory; includes listings for associations and training centers as well as for journals and discussion groups. -
Network for Research on Experiential Psychotherapies - Contains abstracts of research studies, descriptions of methodologies and instruments, and research-based therapy protocols -
European Association for Gestalt Therapy - Describes the nature, activities, and associations of this professional association of Gestalt therapists, their writing, and their training activities as a multi-national organization serving Europe. -
British Gestalt Journal - The home of the British Gestalt Journal, with abstracts and subscription information. Edited by Malcolm Parlett, Ph.D. -
The Association for the Advancement of Gestalt Therapy (AAGT). - Offers information about the origin and purpose of this international Gestalt therapy organization, including descriptions of current and former international conferences, by-laws, and a descriptive article outlining basic tenets of Gestalt therapy theory -
Gestalt Australia & New Zealand (GANZ). - Offers information about this international organization serving largely the AustralAsian region of the world, but drawing on established Gestalt influences in Europe and North America. -
Gestalt Review - Edited by Joseph Melnick, Ph.D., this site offers titles and abstracts for all articles spanning seven years of publishing. It also provides full-text for various representative articles from several years. -
Gestalt! - An electronic journal focused on Gestalt therapy theory, practice, and practitioners. Includes full text articles and graphics, with author and topical indexes. -
The Gestalt Therapy Page - Includes a world-wide directory of Gestalt therapists, a Gestalt bibliography, a News and Notes listing of events, and articles on Gestalt therapy largely taken from the archives of The Gestalt Journal. -