Evolutionary Psychology - A free, peer reviewed journal concerned with evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior. - http://www.epjournal.net
Behavioral Ecology - Studies on the whole range of behaving organisms, including plants, invertebrates, vertebrates, and humans, using ecological and evolutionary processes to explain the occurrence and adaptive significance of behavior patterns. - http://beheco.oxfordjournals.org/
Evolution and Development - A journal sponsored by the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. - http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1520-541X
Human Nature - An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective - Dedicated to the interdisciplinary investigation of the biological, social, and environmental factors which underlie human behavior. It focuses primarily on the functional unity in which these factors are continuously and mutually interactive. - http://www.transactionpub.com/cgi-bin/transactionpublishers.storefront/en/product/1045-6767*1
Evolution and Human Behaviour - Official journal of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. - http://www.hbes.com/HBES/journal2.htm
American Behavioral Scientist - Brief information about the journal and electronic access. - http://www.sagepub.com/journal.aspx?pid=171
Biological Psychology - Publishes original scientific papers on the biological aspects of psychological states and processes. - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03010511
Behavioural Brain Research - An international, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of articles in the field of behavioural neuroscience, broadly defined. - http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01664328
Adaptive Behaviour - Journal for research on adaptive behavior in animals and autonomous, artificial systems. Free abstracts. - http://www.isab.org/journal/
Evolution & Cognition - Journal homepage of the "interdisciplinary forum devoted to all aspects of research on cognition in animals and humans". Free access to abstracts and table of contents. - http://www.kli.ac.at/publications-a.html
Behavioral and Brain Sciences - The premier journal in the field. The new BBSPrints Archive allows users to submit papers, commentaries, responses, search the archive and edit your user information, including adding email and address details and altering your BBS Mailing list status for - http://www.bbsonline.org/
Advances in Mind-Body Medicine - Access to table of contents. - http://www.harcourt-international.com/journals/ambm/default.cfm