Dream Datum - Dedicated to the promotion of tools and technologies that are supportive of healing, self-growth, and spiritual development from dreaming. - http://www.dreamdatum.com/
The NovaDreamer - Detects when you are in REM sleep and cues you with sounds and flashes of light. Includes two AAA batteries. - http://www.biof.com/nova.html
DreamThread: Online Dream Interpretation Service - Commercial dream interpretation services, plus dream-related online shop which includes scented pillows, herbal teas, and "dream spirit" animals. - http://www.dreamthread.com/
Kelly Bulkeley, Ph.D. - Kelly Bulkeley invites readers to participate in a dream survey (at this writing, "Have you dreamed about the 2000 elections?") and browse several books he has written about dreams and spirituality. - http://www.kellybulkeley.com/
DreamGate - DreamGate is a web hosting project which is home to several major dream-related internet services, including the Electric Dreams e-zine. - http://www.dreamgate.com/
Dream Network - Home page for the subscription magazine. Presents online placement of subscription orders and lists advertising rates. Offers some articles from previous editions. - http://dreamnetwork.net/