Amnesia & Cognition Unit, University of Arizona - Studying memory and amnesia with a focus on explaining changes in memory due to aging and brain injury. Also information on rehabilitation. -
neuroMod - Research, data sets, Neural network simulation software, and database of neurosimulators and models. (University of Amsterdam, Director: J.M.J. Murre) -
Cognitive Development Lab - Cognitive architecture in early development, object cognition in infancy, "theory of mind". Presents the lab and current research topics. -
Perception and Neurodynamics Group - at Ohio State Univ. Studies "neurocomputational mechanisms underlying perceptual processes and on building effective algorithms for solving real-world problems related to perception." (DeLiang Wang, director) -
Perceptual Science Group - Part of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at MIT, researching human visual perception, machine vision, and image processing. Includes profiles of group members, description of research, and gallery of perceptual illusions. -
Hasher Aging & Cognition Laboratory - A research cognition laboratory at the University of Toronto that is particularly interested in learning, memory, and cognition across the life span. Includes: research interests, publications, and links. -
Cognitive Psychology Unit, Univ. of Graz - Interdisciplinary research on knowledge, knowledge spaces and tutorial systems (Dietrich Albert, director) -
Infancy Studies Laboratory - Rutgers University - Under the direction of Dr. April Benasich, we use behavioral and electrocortical measures to examine language and cognitive development from infancy to adulthood. -
Perceptual Science Laboratory - The laboratory is engaged in a variety of experimental and theoretical inquiries in perception and cognition. A major research area concerns speech perception by ear and eye, and facial animation. Research activities, people, map, papers and data. -
Centre for Learning Psychology and Behaviour Therapy - A research unit of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, involved in research on associative learning, automatic affective processing, psychophysiology of fear, and related topics -
Ivry Lab - Visual, auditory and time perception, language and speech, and motor coordination (Univ. of California, Berkeley, USA) -
Psychophysics Department - Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Heinrich Bültoff, dir. -
Shimojo Lab, CalTech - "The members of this lab investigate a variety of issues in sensory perception and motor control in both infants and adults." -
Cognitive Imaging Center, Carnegie-Mellon University - Multi-faceted research program utilizing fMRI as well as more traditional eye fixation, modeling, and neurological methodologies -