Our Intelligent Companions, the Plants
- Contains much information on various mind/plant type experiments throughout history. Some people mentioned include Cleve Backster and J. Chandra Bose.
- http://www.theosophy-nw.org/theosnw/brother/br-jvmj2.htm
Plant Articles by Judith Handelsman - A series of articles from various magazines. The second one has relevance primary perception discoveries, as it describes Handelsman's own experiences with the phenomenon. - http://here-and-now.org/judith/articles.html
Subtle Energy - An article in a web-based magazine by Paul von Ward Lightworks. Deals with Cleve Backster's mind-plant discoveries and the author's speculations about them. - http://www.lightworks.com/MonthlyAspectarian/1998/May/0598-05.htm
Chapter Six- Cleve Backster's Laboratory - A chapter in a web-based book by psychologist Ingo Swann. Deals with a trip made by Swann to Backster's laboratory and chronicles the first-hand experiment he witnessed. - http://www.biomindsuperpowers.com/Pages/RealStoryCh6.html