On to Restoration! - An introduction to traditionalist conservative and restorationist or counterrevolutionary thought, with numerous articles and links. - http://turnabout.ath.cx:8000/node/45
Conservative Central - Essays on traditionalist conservatism as well as weekly articles outlining conservative philosophy on a range of topics. Encourages Australian readers to form local conservative networks. - http://www.ozconservative.com/
Machiavel Review - Essays on politics, economics, culture and philosophy from a "machiavellian" (i.e., realist or conservative) perspective. Includes links to other important thinkers in conservative realism. - http://homepage.mac.com/machiavel/
Cultural Conservatism - A weekly compendium of traditionalist thought on politics, philosophy, history, and the arts. - http://www.culturalconservatism.org/
Intellectual Conservative - Articles, links, and news resources devoted to classical liberal philosophy and politics. - http://intellectualconservative.com/
What's Wrong with Conservatism - Charles R. Kesler's Bradley Lecture to the American Enterprise Institute. Discusses the history of conservatism and liberalism in the United States, and argues that conservatives should, but do not, appeal to the principles of the American Revolution. - http://www.aei.org/bradley/bl060898.htm
eGroups: Evola - A mailing list devoted to traditionalist thought, in particular the works of Italian philosopher Baron Julius Evola. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/evola/
Jim Kalb - Home page of a traditionalist conservative, with an extensive list of essays and reviews. - http://bfn.org/~cd431/
National Humanities Institute - Promotes research, publishing, and teaching in the humanities to the end of revitalizing human society. - http://www.nhinet.org/