English School of International Relations Theory - A home page for the reconvened "English School" approach to the study of International Relations by Prof. Barry Buzan, including an extensive bibliography of related works and recent conference papers. - http://www.leeds.ac.uk/polis/englishschool/
Postmodernist Theories of International Relations - A bibliography of titles in international relations theory which propose postmodernism as a way to explain and understand world politics. - http://pravda.gmxhome.de/pomobib.htm
Political Systems, Violence, and War - A paper prepared for the US Institute of Peace, by R.J. Rummel examines the relationship between democratic and socialist political systems and their propensity for war. - http://www.firearmsandliberty.com/rummel.war.html
Mills, William deB. - Writings on social science research methodology, future studies, comparative systems analysis, and pedagogical approaches to studying international relations. - http://users.erols.com/wmills/
Peace Between Nations - Essay discussing the causes of war and the underlying situation from the point of view of intelligent systems. - http://www.intelligent-systems.com.ar/intsyst/peace.htm
Wikipedia: International Relations Theory - Encyclopedia article explaining different schools of international relations theory. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_relations_theory
Nationality and Sovereignty in the New World Order - An article by Timothy Luke argues that economic globalization and interdependence are eroding the traditional concept of national sovereignty. - http://www.vuw.ac.nz/atp/articles/Luke_9608.html
IR Theory Web Site - A collection of articles outlining major ideas in the discipline of international relations. Also provides related links. - http://www.irtheory.com/
Columbia International Affairs Online - Portal for theory and research in international affairs. Published are working and occasional papers series, policy briefs; conference proceedings, and books from research institutes. Subscription required for most items; site also lists events and relate - http://www.ciaonet.org/