Constitution of the United States - Searchable text with amendments, including those never ratified. -
WashLaw WEB - Constitutional Law - Internet Resources, Mailing Lists Information, and Subject Guides. -
U.S. Supreme Court - An on-line presentation of an informational booklet compiled by the Supreme Court, detailing its history and describing the Justices. -
U.S. Constitution - From the National Archives. -
United States Constitution - Wikipedia article providing basic information about the Constitution. -
Thurgood Marshall - An American Revolutionary - Fan site, and vendor of biography, for Thurgood Marshall, civil rights lawyer and the first African American Supreme Court Justice. -
The Supreme Court Historical Society - Founded by Chief Justice Warren Burger in 1974, the Society has compiled more than 400 full-text Supreme Court arguments, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. -
School Vouchers and the Constitution - Permissible, Impermissible, or Required? - Law journal article by Gary J. Simson which discusses impact of U.S. Supreme Court decisions that the states cannot mandate public school, but can provide vouchers for private religious schools. Above link is for abstract which provides several links for -
The Religion Case Reporter - A monthly reporting federal and state cases addressing the free exercise of religion, state establishment of religion, the clergy and religious institutions. -
Ratification of Amendments to the U.S. Constitution - A brief discussion of Ratification Deadlines. U.S. Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, by David C. Huckabee, CRS Report 97-922 GOV, (Washington: September 30, 1997.) -
Protect The Church - Legal resource for church leaders in the United States. -
Oyez - Database on major constitutional cases heard by the United States Supreme Court, with multimedia resources including digital audio of oral arguments and delivery of the Court's opinion. -
New Jersey Law Network - Information on constitutional law. -
LII: Law about...the Constitution - LII: An overview of constitutional law with links to key primary and secondary sources. -
Laws and Courts - C:SPAN - Archives and updates on developments in United States law, including the Supreme Court. -
FindLaw Constitutional Law Center - Guide to historic documents, biographies, Supreme Court decisions, and constitutional law topics. - - Analyzing the effect of First Amendment jurisprudence on religion, and seeking to restrict funding and jurisdiction for the nation's courts. -
Constitutional Law in the United States - Professor Joseph E. Magnet is Professor of Law at the University of Ottawa. -
Constitutional Law Case Book Reviews - from the November 1992 issue of The Law and Politics Book Review. -
Constitutional Law - Message board. -
The Constitution Forum Frigate - Forum devoted to the US Constitution. -
The Constitution Discussion Port - Forum for discussing the Constitution and Constitutional law. -
Constitution and Democracy - From Grolier's American Presidency site a division of Scholastic Library Publishing. Includes articles on multiple related topics for different aged students. -
Center for State Constitutional Studies - Devoted to the study of state constitutions from the United States. Located at Rutgers University in Camden. -
Center for Constitutional Studies - Wide range of constitutional issues from the natural rights tradition. Extensive library of studies, articles and monographs available. From the Cato Institute. -
Ballot Initiative Strategy Center - Searchable library on ballot initiative information for all states. Advocacy group that promotes strategic discussions among progressive organizations to counter right-wing ballot measures and launch progressive initiative campaigns. -
The U.S. Constitution: Founding Fathers - Biographical information about the men who created the U.S. Constitution. - - A collection of articles on a variety of legal issues including "missing" amendments to the US Constitution. -
The Founders Constitution - Anthology on writings of founders of the government from the early seventeenth century to the 1830s. Indexes, search and themes. -
Constitution Day - Activities and lessons for learning about the Constitution, and the people and the process that created it . -
Constitutional Nonsense and Titles of Nobility - An article that in detail explains why the "missing 13th amendment" is a myth, and why fringe groups claim it exists. -
Constitution Forum Frigate - Discussion forum and live chat devoted to the US Constitution. -
National Center for Constitutional Studies - Advocating an interpretation of the Constitution, which they believe accords with original intent. Study courses, newsletters, and seminars. -
Amendments granting new powers to Congress - A list of amendments with clauses that grant new powers to congress, along with some commentary. -
Constitution Society - Extensive collection of books, articles, and tools. The organizers are an interest group promoting compliance with, and promotion of principles of, constitutional republicanism. -
The National Constitution Center - Web presence of the National Constitution center. Explores ways the Constitution has transformed America through its framework, and what the Constitution means for individuals. -