Eminent Domain Resource Center - The Reason Foundation explores in depth the debate over taking private property for public use, with links to numerous resources related to the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment. - http://www.reason.org/eminentdomain/index.shtml
LII Supreme Court Decisions: Self-Incrimination - Provides a list of court cases over the past century where the Fifth Amendment played a central role in the case. - http://www2.law.cornell.edu/cgi-bin/foliocgi.exe/historic/query=[group+f_self-incrimination:]/doc/{@1}/hit_headings/words=4/hits_only?
Access to Terrorism Proceedings - Provides information on Fifth Amendment/material witness issues and how they relate to the War on Terror. - http://www.rcfp.org/secretjustice/terrorism/materialwitness.html
Fifth Amendment Issues in Divorce Cases - Provides that no person can be compelled to give evidence against them in divorce proceedings. - http://www.divorcesource.com/research/dl/divorcelaws/94jan15.shtml
Findlaw: U.S. Constitution: Fifth Amendment - A resource on "Self incrimination" that also provides annotations. - http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/data/constitution/amendment05/
The Fifth Amendment and Takings of Private Property - Includes information on the eminent domain clause in the Fifth Amendment, which states that a municipality may seize property only after "just" compensation. - http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conlaw/takings.htm
Wikipedia: Miranda Warning - Provides encyclopedic background information and common misconceptions regarding this device for warning people that they do not have to incriminate themselves. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miranda_Warning