Dickinson College - Contains an introduction, suggested links, a career center, research, faculty, and international study opportunities. - http://alpha.dickinson.edu/departments/polsc/
Allegheny College - Provides department facts, course catalogue, and faculty and alumni information. - http://www.allegheny.edu/academics/polsci/
Franklin & Marshall College - Describes courses available, a faculty listing and photograph, related links, the programs offered, and admissions. - http://server1.fandm.edu/departments/Government/
Juanita College - Contains related links, faculty information, an overview of the curriculum, contacts, scholarships, and honor societies. - http://departments.juniata.edu/politics/
Kutztown University - Contains a listing of courses, an overview, alumni, student clubs and activities, news items, and a virtual newsroom. - http://www.kutztown.edu/acad/polsci/
Pennsylvania State University - Contains graduate and undergraduate information, class schedules, faculty details, news items and teaching and alumni resources. - http://polisci.la.psu.edu/
Susquehanna University - Contains a listing of faculty, research topics, majors, internships, the off-campus study program, and certification details. - http://www.susqu.edu/polisci/
Albright College - Contains a listing courses with descriptions, a departmental overview, links to professor websites, and a list of student resources. - http://www.albright.edu/academics/depts/polysci.html
Lafayette College - Contains an overview of the department, and introduction to the faculty, a bulletin board, courses that are offered, and a newsletter. - http://ww2.lafayette.edu/~govlaw/
University of Pennsylvania - Contains career information, contacts, news items, graduate and undergraduate resources, a course listing. - http://www.ssc.upenn.edu/polisci/
Bucknell University - Provides course information, information for majors, faculty listing. - http://www.departments.bucknell.edu/poli_sci/
Temple University - Contains upcoming events, the writing center, faculty listing, research links, and a course schedule. - http://www.temple.edu/polsci/
St. Joseph's University - Contains internship details, research information, faculty, departmental affairs, and courses. - http://www.sju.edu/cas/politics/
Gettysburg College - Describes the requirements, courses that are offered, scholarship opportunities, history of the department, and alumni. - http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/political_science/
Fairleigh Dickinson University - Madison - Contains FAQs, pre-law studies, related links, diplomacy, minors and concentrations, as well as internship and study abroad opportunities. - http://alpha.fdu.edu/madsocsci/polisci.html
East Stroudsburg University - Contains an overview of the department, course descriptions, requirements, student clubs, and faculty. - http://www.esu.edu/pols/
Elizabethtown College - Describes student clubs, programs offered, announcements, related links, and a faculty listing. - http://www.etown.edu/polysci/
Arcadia University Political Science - Contains a description of courses, requirements, a faculty listing and programs. - http://www.arcadia.edu/default.asp?pid=196