Overview and Some Work in Progress - Transcript of a 1996 talk by Carl Pollard, detailing the state of HPSG theory at that time. - http://utkl.ff.cuni.cz/~rosen/public/pollard_talk2.txt
HPSG 2001 - Conference organized by the Center for the Study of Language and Information and held in Trondheim, Norway. Schedule, program, abstracts, some downloadable papers. - http://www.ling.hf.ntnu.no/HPSG2001/
ALE: The Attribute-Logic Engine - A freeware platform for building HPSGs. Current and past versions, documentation, sample grammars and related materials. - http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~gpenn/ale.html
The Babel-System - Implementation of an HPSG for German. Features online interface. Portions in German. - http://www.dfki.de/~stefan/Babel/e_babel.html