Learning Finnish in the UK - Finnguild, the largest British-Finnish society in the United Kingdom, provides this guide to learning Finnish through evening classes, Saturday Suomi schools, and other options. - http://www.finn-guild.org/pages/fg_finnish_courses.shtml
SuomiKoulu - St Albans Finnish School - School in the United Kingdom, one of a world-wide network of Finnish schools supported by the Finnish Ministry of Education, teaching Finnish language and promoting Finnish culture. [Finnish, English] - http://www.suomikoulu.com/
University of Minnesota: Less Commonly Taught Languages - Includes a database for locating programs teaching the less-commonly taught languages (LCTL) for about 2000 educational institutions in North America. - http://carla.acad.umn.edu/lctl/
University of Washington Department of Scandinavian Studies - Offers beginning and intermediate Finnish, Finnish literature, and culture, as well as courses in Scandinavian and Baltic-area languages and culture. Syllabi for several courses are available online. - http://depts.washington.edu/scand/
Columbia University Department of Germanic Languages - Offers elementary and intermediate language courses in Finnish and courses (in English) in Finnish culture and society. - http://www.columbia.edu/cu/german/