Interpreters with Deaf Parents - Group falls under the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf. Mission is to promote better communication between interpreters who are Deaf and hearing, native signers and non-native signers and Deaf community members. -
BLeGIT QueerTerps - Official mailing list for the RID group for bisexual, lesbian, gay, intersexed, and transgendered interpreters. -
Trilingual Interpreters' Listserv - For interpreters who use Spanish/English/ASL, or who work in Spanish-speaking countries with the indigenous sign language. Links, member language database. Site in English, posts in Spanish and English. -
Interpreters and Transliterators of Color Listserv - African-American, Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, Native-American, and other minority status interpreters can discuss interpreting issues. -
Legal Interpreters' Listserv - Unmoderated, restricted to sign language interpreters working in legal settings. -
National Multicultural Interpreter Project - El Paso Community College grant providing multicultural curriculum and training materials to interpreter education programs. -
National Alliance of Black Interpreters - Black interpreters' professional organization. Professional development news, affiliate links, and printable membership information. -