Swahili Language - A description of Swahili with information on noun classes and grammar. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swahili
Orthografix 2 - Spell-checker and hyphenator for Swahili developed by Arvi Hurskainen, University of Helsinki - http://www.lingsoft.fi/news/1999/o2-swahili.html
Guide to Swahili - Dictionary, basic lessons, texts, resources, and links. - http://www.moja.com/swahili/
Say Hello in Swahili - Simple conversational lesson from the Internet Public Library. Links to language and culture resources. - http://www.ipl.org/youth/hello/swahili.html
Useful Swahili Words - Phrasebook and bibliography. Links to links historical essay, Kanga proverbs, and pronunciation guide. - http://www.glcom.com/hassan/swahili.html
Kiswahili Resource Page - Link collection by Donath Mrawira an engineer from Tanzania - http://www.unb.ca/web/civil/dccchair/dmm/swahili.html
Archive of Popular Swahili - Swahili texts mostly collected in Zaire by Johannes Fabian and made accessible by the Journal of 'Language and Popular Culture in Africa'. - http://www.pscw.uva.nl/lpca/aps/toc.html
Swahili Profile - Information on dialects and geographical extension of Swahili by the UCLA - http://www.lmp.ucla.edu/profiles/profs04.htm
Noun Classification in Swahili - A scholarly paper on the Swahili language by Ellen Contini-Morava - http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/swahili/swahili.html
Swahili Online: The Internet Living Swahili Dictionary - The Internet Living Swahili Dictionary is a collaborative work by people all over the world. Includes grammar and pronunciation. Supported by the Yale University. - http://www.yale.edu/swahili/