A Concise Polish Grammar - A very thorough reference grammar of the Polish language, by Ron F. Feldstein. Part of the Reference Grammar Network of the Slavic and East European Language Resource Center. - http://www.seelrc.org:8080/grammar/mainframe.jsp?nLanguageID=4
Xerox MLTT Language Tools: Polish Demos - Perform tokenization, morphological analysis and part-of-speech disambiguation on texts. - http://www.xrce.xerox.com/competencies/content-analysis/demos/polish
A Polish Grammar - Phonology, morphology, word-formation, syntax, and etymology. - http://grzegorj.w.interia.pl/gram/index.html
Polish Language Course - Introductory information about Poland, pronunciation guide, and a series of lessons with MP3 sound. - http://golem.umcs.lublin.pl/users/ppikuta/lessons/LESSIDX.HTM
Polish Fonts - Ogonki 3.0 enables the user to write and print in every version of Windows. - http://www.ogonki.com/
Polish Language Software and Polish Products - A commercial site offering Polish and ESL language learning products, automatic and interactive translation, dictionaries, tutorials, books, films, and fonts. - http://www.polishlanguage.com/
Polish for Beginners - An interactive, multimedia course on CD-ROM, available for sale online. - http://www.logoi.com/polish.html