Easy Spanish - Brief introduction and overview of the Spanish language, with a pronunciation guide and basic grammar. - http://perso.orange.fr/babel-site/spanish.htm
Cervantes' Consonants - Article on the pronunciation of consonants in Cervantes' works, from an article by Daniel Eisenberg in the Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America. - http://www.h-net.org/~cervantes/csa/articf90/consonan.htm
Spanish Language Movies - A web site created by a professor with a list of his recommendations of Spanish films for students to consider watching. - http://www.spanishnewyork.com/spanish-movies-and-videos.html#spanishmovies
IMDb: Spanish - Guide to Spanish language movies, search or browse the titles alphabetically. - http://imdb.com/Sections/Languages/Spanish/
Xerox MLTT Language Tools Spanish Demonstration - Interactive tools which perform tokenization, morphological analysis and part-of-speech disambiguation. - http://www.xrce.xerox.com/competencies/content-analysis/demos/spanish.en.html
Determine your Spanish level - A short online Spanish level test from Elemadrid language school. - http://www.elemadrid.com/spanish_level_test.htm
Spanish Guide - Collection of links to lessons, reference materials and other resources for learning Spanish. - http://www.spanish4all.com/
Spanish Verb Conjugator - Online conjugator provided by the Elemadrid language school. - http://www.elemadrid.com/spanish_verbs.htm
Historical Corpus of Spanish - Searchable 100 million word database includes 20 million words from the 1200s-1400s, 40 million from the 1500s-1700s, and 40 million from the 1800s-1900s. - http://www.corpusdelespanol.org/
Spain - Primary Documents - Primary documents from the Eurodocs collection including facsimilies and translations. - http://www.lib.byu.edu/~rdh/eurodocs/spain.html
Spanish Resources - Links to Spanish and English sites about Spanish language and cultures. - http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/lss/lang/spanish.html