Pomoerium - Classics resources: an online journal (full-text) and a list of classics links and tables of contents of various classics journals. - http://pomoerium.eu/
Latin Language - Classical texts with English translations, a dictionary list, and a newsgroup. - http://latin-language.co.uk/
Appendix Probi - Reproduction of a list of "erroneous" Vulgar (Late) Latin words and their correct equivalents. - http://ling.upenn.edu/~kurisuto/germanic/appendix_probi.html
White Trash Scriptorium - Latin resources: software programs (Windows), dictionary, glossaries of first and last names, place names, Latin texts, and recommended links. - http://www.ipa.net/~magreyn/index.html
Latin Wordstock - Database includes a large Latin-English vocabulary, derivative words, teaching-learning games, and other resources. - http://www.classicsunveiled.com/romevd/
Greek and Latin Roots - A table of common Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes in English. - http://www.kent.wednet.edu/KSD/MA/resources/greek_and_latin_roots/transition.html
Classical and Medieval History - Alcove 9 - An annotated list of reference websites, some in Latin (The Library of Congress). - http://loc.gov/rr/main/alcove9/classics.html
Latin and Vernacular Languages - Discussion of the history and development of the medieval Latin language. - http://www.ucalgary.ca/applied_history/tutor/firsteuro/lang.html
Latin Sayings - An alphabetized list of proverbs and wisdom in Latin (with translations). - http://members.ozemail.com.au/~enigman/latin.html
Chicago Public Schools Latin Olympics - An annual competition for elementary and high school students of Latin and Roman history and culture. - http://cuip.uchicago.edu/~jay/olympics/
Ius Romanum - A Latin page on Roman law, with translations in German, Italian, and English. - http://www.jura.uni-sb.de/Rechtsgeschichte/Ius.Romanum/origo.html
Scansion of Latin Poetry - Guide to the rules of syllable quantity, types of poetic feet and meters in Latin. - http://www.suberic.net/~marc/scansion.html