Breton - Basic information about the current status of the Breton language, from the University of Wales. Trilingual site (English, French, Welsh). -;id=46;lang=1
Euromosaic - Breton - Sociolinguistic survey of the use of Breton as a minority language within the European Union (in the Brittany region of France). Collection of links. Bilingual site (English and French). -
Kervarker - On-line lessons plus contacts for off-line teaching services; large amounts of external data, a grammatical sketch, and links. In five languages, including Breton. -
Bro Nevez - "New Country". (Contents of) the offline newsletter published by the U.S. Branch of the International Committee for the Defense of the Breton Language (most articles in English). -
ICDBL - International Committee for the Defense of the Breton Language, with branches in the US and Canada. -
The Breton Language / La langue bretonne - On soc.culture.breton. Bilingual (English/French) site with information on where Breton can be learned, an explanation about the three spelling systems used for the language, and a list of radio and TV broadcasts in Breton. -
Brittany - A presentation of the newsletter published by the Canadian Branch of the International Committee for the Defense of the Breton Language. -
Breizh.Net - "A non-profit association whose objective is the promotion of Brittany and the Breton language on the Internet." An English-Breton-French lexicon of Net terms, some software, and links. -