ECAI - Pacific Language Mapping - Language maps of the Pacific Island region, reproduced from Wurm and Hattori's atlas, including Austronesian and Papuan languages. -
Austronesian Languages - A brief description of Austronesian languages, with links to example languages, and classification schemes. -
Austronesian Vocabulary - A comparison fo 24 words in 6 Austronesian languages. -
WM's Austronesian and Other Indo-Pacific Links - Collection of web resources for Austronesian and related topics including general information, mailing lists, bibligraphies and pointers to home pages with topical material. -
Voice and Grammatical Functions in Austronesian Languages - PDF and Postscript format papers from the Austronesian workshop of the 1998 Lexical Functional Grammar Conference held at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. -