Teaching Berber in the Moroccan Primary Schools - Article about issues in having Berber recognized as a national language and taught in schools. Includes a map of the areas of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Mali, Niger, and adjoining countries where different Berber dialects are spoken. - http://www.amazighworld.org/studies/language/teaching_berber_in_morocco.php
Ancient Berber Script - Provides general information as well as images of the letters. - http://www.omniglot.com/writing/berber.htm
Wikipedia: Berber Languages - Hyperlinked encyclopedia article includes information on origins, demographics, nomenclature, and subclassifications. Provides references. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Berber_languages
A Bibliography of Berber Language Materials - List of publications relevant to linguistic research on Berber languages. - http://www.swarthmore.edu/SocSci/jaldere1/bbiblio2_june01.htm