Pig Latin - A description of pig latin. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig_latin
Yahoo Groups: igpayatinlay - Online group dedicated to Pig Latin. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/igpayatinlay/
Classic Cryptography: Pig-Latin - Part of a presentation of basic concepts in data encryption. Explains the rules of this simple form of code language. - http://www.thinkquest.org/library/lib/site_sum_outside.html?tname=27158&url=27158/concept1_3.html%3ftqskip=1
ZDNet News: Napster Cracks Down on Pig Latin - File-sharing firm Aimster has removed a Pig Latin-based program from its website that enabled Napster users to get around court-ordered restrictions on the popular song-swap service. - http://www.zdnet.com/?legacy=cnet
Ible-bay - The Bible in Pig Latin - The first complete translation of the Bible into Pig Latin. - http://www.museumofconceptualart.com/ible-bay.html
Google: Igpay Atinlay - The search engine, directory, and groups interface in pig latin. - http://www.google.com/intl/xx-piglatin/
Amousfay Eftlay-Andershay - M.K. Holder's list of famous left handers, in Pig Latin. - http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/left_pl.html
Anthro-l: Pig Latin - Posting asks about the origins of the jargon and speculates that it goes back at least to mid-18th century England. - http://www.anatomy.usyd.edu.au/danny/anthropology/anthro-l/archive/august-1995/0165.html
Applelinks.com: Pig Latin Encoding May Defeat Napster Filters - Reports on a simple way to circumvent Napster filters intended to block copyrighted songs from being downloaded for free. - http://www.applelinks.com/articles/2001/03/20010313125557.shtml
Southeast Asian Pig-Latins - Ben Zimmer has compiled bibliographic references on Pig Latin-type play languages in Indonesia and other countries in southeast Asia. - http://w3.rz-berlin.mpg.de/~wm/BIB/PigLat.html
Applelinks.com: More And Less Pig Latin On The Web - Covers the recent Napcameback.com circumvention of MP3 file-sharing limitations by way of a Pig Latin-inspired encryption. Also gives an overview of this simple code language and translation sites. - http://www.applelinks.com/articles/2001/03/20010315125516.shtml
Omehay Agepay ofyay Orrazay - Pig Latin version of the Hot Dog link page. - http://www.byrum.org/zorra/piglatin.html
Slashdot: Uses of Pig Latin to Defeat RIAA - Thread discusses AIMster's offering of a Pig Latin encoder to circumvent RIAA regulations. - http://slashdot.org/articles/01/03/06/1448236.shtml
Pig Latin Home Page - Poetry, calculus, resume suggestions and a translator. Pig Latin and English versions. - http://www.idioma-software.com/pig/home.htm
Ysticalmay Okingsmay Eadhay ofyay 'Obbay' - Online oracle. Ask the Mystical Smoking Head of Bob a question and he will answer in Pig Latin, as well as a number of other languages. - http://www.resort.com/~banshee/Misc/8ball/PigLatin/