What is Computational Linguistics - A concise introduction to the field, by Hans Uszkoreit. - http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~hansu/what_is_cl.html
SIGPHON: Special Interest Group in Computational Phonology - A subgroup of the Association for Computational Linguistics which supports computer-based research in phonology and morphology. Organizational information, bibliography. - http://salad.cs.swarthmore.edu/sigphon/
Rieger, Burghard Publications - A list of papers in computational semiotics and computational semantics. Many are downloadable in PDF format. - http://www.ldv.uni-trier.de/ldvpage/rieger/pub/aufsaetze/aufsaetze.htm
Learning Computational Grammars - A European research project which ran from 1998 to 2001, exploring the possibility of expanding computational grammars through machine learning. Publications, demos, project information. - http://www.cnts.ua.ac.be/lcg/
Introduction to Language Technology Research - Introductory information and a directory of resources in theoretical and applied computational linguistics. - http://www.coli.uni-saarland.de/~hansu/cl.html
Global Wordnet Association - A society dedicated to the collection and standardization of wordnets, corpora, and other basic language processing tools. List of current and pending wordnets. - http://www.globalwordnet.org/
Andersen, Peter Bøgh - Professor at the University of Aalborg in Denmark, whose research focuses on computational semiotics. Papers and descriptions of current research. - http://imv.au.dk/~pba/
EuroWordNet - A project to compile compatible wordnets for seven European languages. Documentation, project reports, and downloadable database samples. - http://www.illc.uva.nl/EuroWordNet/
ILK: Induction of Linguistic Knowledge - A research program at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, aimed at using inductive learning technology to advance both language engineering and the understanding of linguistic knowledge. Publications, downloadable software, and text analysis demos. - http://ilk.uvt.nl/
Metaphor - A Language of Metaphors - Resources that demonstrate metaphor as a teaching, learning and inventing tool and as a basis for an artificial intelligence-ready computer language. - http://knowgramming.com/metaphors/
British National Corpus - A balanced synchronic text corpus containing 100 million words with morphosyntactic annotation. - http://www.natcorp.ox.ac.uk/
An Algorithmic Approach to English Pluralization - Research paper by D.M. Conway of the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University. (1998). - http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~damian/papers/HTML/Plurals.html
Speech Prosody at Bell Labs - Current research on non-lexical aspects of speech and paralinguistic communication. General information, downloadable papers, and multilingual text-to-speech demo. - http://prosodies.org/bell/
International Committee on Computational Linguistics - Organizes the worldwide COLING conference. Information on the nature of COLING, past COLING proceedings, and hosting future COLINGs. - http://www.dcs.shef.ac.uk/research/ilash/iccl/
Bonnema Renko: "Data Oriented Semantics" - A thesis project, presenting many of the issues facing computational semantics and some experimental solutions. - http://www.hum.uva.nl/computerlinguistiek/bonnema/dop-sem/scriptie.html
Corpus-Based Computational Linguistics Resources - An annotated list of resources in this field and the allied discipline of statistical natural language processing. Corpora, tools, literature and other resources. - http://www-nlp.stanford.edu/links/statnlp.html
The Xtag Project - Aims to develop a wide-coverage grammar of the English language, using a lexicalized tree adjoining grammar formalism. The current version of Xtag, as well as general resources for tree adjoining grammars. - http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~xtag/
Introduction to Computational Phonology - Brief course on the fundamentals of this field, by Dafydd Gibbon. Includes basics of computing phonotactics and phonological parsing. - http://www.spectrum.uni-bielefeld.de/Classes/Winter97/IntroCompPhon/compphon/
Morphological Parsing - Downloads and documentation for the PC-KIMMO morphological parser, as well as background information and research in computational morphology. - http://www.sil.org/pckimmo/
Computational Morphology and Phonology - A list of online resources related to computational morphology and phonology. - http://www.sil.org/computing/comp-morph-phon.html
Jurafsky, Daniel - University of Colorado professor whose research includes machine learning, parsing and computational psycholinguistics. Current research, syllabi, and archive of publications in PostScript and PDF formats. - http://www.colorado.edu/ling/jurafsky/
SIGdial: Special Interest Group in Discourse and Dialogue - A subgroup of the Association for Computational Linguistics which supports empirical, standardized research in the computational analysis of spoken discourse, including standard corpora. Organizational information, events, and resources. - http://www.sigdial.org
Definition of Computational Semiotics - A concise outline of this field from the perspective of defining knowledge units for artificial intelligence systems. - http://www.dca.fee.unicamp.br/~gudwin/compsemio/
Hermit Crab - A morphological parser and generator, developed for classical generative phonology and morphology. Download, documentation, background information and computational morphology research. - http://www.sil.org/computing/hermitcrab/
The Computation and Language E-Print Archive - A fully automated archive of papers in computational linguistics, natural language processing, speech processing etc. - http://www.acm.org/pubs/corr/
The Association for Computational Linguistics - International professional society dedicated to research throughout the field of natural language processing. - http://www.aclweb.org/