Queer Theory and Philosophy Academic Resources - This website features hundreds of annotated links to queer theory and LGBT resources, designed to assist people involved in academic study and philosophy research. - http://www.erraticimpact.com/~lgbt/
Queer Theory - Explanation of the significance of the word, history, and the difference between queer theory and feminism. - http://www.colorado.edu/English/ENGL2012Klages/queertheory.html
Queer Theory Explained, Warren Hedges, SOU - Essay on identity-based gay and lesbian criticism in the 1970s and 80s, and the current queer theory. - http://www.sou.edu/English/Hedges/Sodashop/RCenter/Theory/Explaind/queer.htm
TAU Queer Theory Reading Group - Tel-Aviv University group for reading and discussing texts. Explains gay studies and queer theory, meeting time, and where texts can be located. - http://www.gay.org.il/qttau/
Queer Theory Information and Resources - Substantial, useful information on queer theory, including critics, theory books, with information, essays, links and essays on Butler, Foucault, Madonna. - http://www.theory.org.uk/ctr-quee.htm
Australian Humanities Review: Queer Theory - Article by Annamarie Jagose explaining the terminology of "queer". Includes references and a responding piece. - http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/AHR/archive/Issue-Dec-1996/jagose.html