Political Economy of Rural Underdevelopment - Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development (NFSD) article: issues & problems to consider when starting an NGO in rural areas of the developing world... - http://www.novartisfoundation.com/rural_underdevelopment.htm
Facetation: Political Economy, Media, and Classification - A collection of papers and blog ramblings about the nexus of political economy, media, and classification. Some other topics include boundary objects, Hayek, Shannon, information theory, libraries, and kipple. - http://www.deregulo.com/facetation/
Debunking Economics - Book web site provides more detail on some issues, as well as the maths behind some of the critiques. - http://www.debunking-economics.com/
A Glossary of Political Economy Terms - Hypertext dictionary of extensive definitions of around 200 political economic terms, by Dr. Paul M. Johnson of Auburn University. - http://www.duc.auburn.edu/~johnspm/glossind.html
IPED program, Fordham University - Offers an MA with specializations in International Development, Comparative & International Politics, International Business & Finance, and International & Development Economics. Offers certificates in Emerging Markets Analysis, and in Interna - http://www.fordham.edu/iped/
Confessions of a Geoist - Describes the evolution of neoclassical economic thinking into geoist, geoclassical thought. Describes the potential contribution of new public economic decision techniques (demand revealing processes) to this body of thought. - http://www142.pair.com/flower1
NAFTA: Are We Better Off For It? - This document looks at trade theory to better understand the results of NAFTA - http://www.execpc.com/~squall1/nafta/nafta.html
Economics From Washington - Helps institutional money managers improve their performance by understanding how decisions made by economics policymakers impact markets. - http://www.econfromwashington.com/
When will the Bubble Burst? - Article in "Socialism Today" analysing the state of the world economy. The recent growth spurt has been propelled by a highly unstable cycle of consumer spending and business investment-fuelled by a crazy stock exchange bubble. Sharpening trend - http://www.socialismtoday.org/37/bubble37.html
McKeever Institute of Economic Policy Analysis - Analysis of sovereign national economic policies based on 33 policies deemed critical to environmentally sound economic growth. - http://www.mkeever.com/