GTAP - (Global Trade Analysis Project) Global trade model with a database that contains bilateral trade info for over 40 countries for 50 sectors. Describes the model, the software and the database. -
Michigan Brown-Deardorff-Stern Model - Originally known as the 'The Michigan Model of World Production and Trade' developed by Deardorff and Stern. Read or download papers about the model. -
World Bank - the World Bank's list of energy and environment models and databases. -
GAMS - (General Algebraic Modeling System) High-level modeling language for mathematical programming problems and a popular tool for solving CGE-models. Documentation and examples. -
Monash model - Australian CGE-model developed at the Centre of Policy Studies and the Impact Project at Monash University in Australia. A very detailed development of the ORANI model. -
SWOPSIM - This software system produces global partial equilibrium models in spreadsheets. -
GEMPACK - (General Equilibrium Modelling PACKage) is a suite of general-purpose economic modelling software especially suitable for general and partial equilibrium models. -
SAGE - (Studies using Applied General Equilibrium models) Searchable database of studies using Applied/Computable General Equilibrium Models. -
MPSGE - (Mathematical Programming System for General Equilibrium analysis) describes the GAMS subsystem for CGE-modeling developed by Thomas Rutherford. Introduction, material for self-study, papers and downloadable library of examples. -