Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods - Bonn, Germany. Works on integrating law, political science and economics. List of scholars, publications, research and teaching programs. -
World Bank - Administrative and Civil Service - Initiative for public administration and civil service reform in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Statistics, policy papers and country reports. -,,menuPK:677803~pagePK:34004175~piPK:34004435~theSitePK:677795,00.html
Institutional Economics Blog - Papers, comments, links and article archive by Stephen Kirchner. -
Social Capital Gateway - Resources on the economics of social capital. Reading lists, paper reviews, news and events. -
Conall Boyle on lotteries - Papers and other materials on the social use of lotteries in non-market distribution, by a researcher at the University of Swansea. -
Buchanan, James M. Jr. - Nobel lecture and curriculum vitae. -
Autobiography of Ronald Coase - Major contributor to Institutional Economics by his work on theory of property rights. Winner of Nobel Prize in economics 1991. -
Autobiography of Robert William Fogel - Major contributor to Economic History (Cliometrics) and Institutional Economics. Winner of the Nobel Prize in economics 1993 (with Douglass C. North). -
Autobiography of Herbert A. Simon - Winner Nobel Prize in economics 1978 mainly for research on decision making in organizations. -
Autobiography of Douglass C. North - Major contributor to Institutional Economics and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics 1993 (with Robert Fogel). -
European School on New Institutional Economics - Doctoral and post-doctoral school specialized in new institutional economics (France). Papers, workshops, conferences, archives. Some information also in French. -
Center for Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector (IRIS) - Based at the University of Maryland, source of research and advisory expertise for addressing economic growth and governance issues in transition and developing countries. -
Ronald Coase Institute - US research institute specialized in new institutional economics. Working papers, information about Coase, multi-lingual glossary, reading list. -