Swaziland - Central Statistical Office - Provides highlights of demographic data from most recent census, as well as economic statistics. - http://www.gov.sz/home.asp?pid=75
Tanzania - National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) - Provides economic indicators, lists publications and databased available, and describes methodologies and strategic plans. - http://www.nbs.go.tz
Lesotho Bureau of Statistics - Provides statistics on trade, manufacturing and agriculture, health, and population, along with information on the bureau and on census methodology. - http://www.bos.gov.ls
Gambia, The - Statistical Service - Describes scope of responsibilities and provides downloadable reports on trade and domestic production, as well as population. - http://www.csd.gm
Mauritius - Central Statistical Office - Regular releases include those on economic and social indicators, digests of statistics, and census and survey reports. - http://statsmauritius.gov.mu/
Uganda Bureau of Statistics - Economic and trade data, as well as demographics. Describes methodologies and lists publications. - http://www.ubos.org/
Algeria - National Office of Statistics - Formerly the National Commission of Censuses and Statistical Survey (NCCSS). Describes organizational structure, with staff directory, and presents economic and population statistics. [English/French/Arabic] - http://www.ons.dz/
Botswana - Central Statistics Office - Includes statistics on the economy, industry, agriculture, education, tourism and population. - http://www.cso.gov.bw/
World Bank - Poverty in Africa - Monitoring and measuring poverty in African nations. Includes a household survey which covers labour, income and expenditure data among other things. - http://www.worldbank.org/afr/poverty
South Africa - Statistics South Africa - Includes statistics on economic, labour, utilities, tourism and transport. Also access to census data and publications. - http://www.statssa.gov.za/