EDIRC - Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers - EDIRC is a searchable index of economics departments, institutes and research centers throughout the world maintained by Christian Zimmermann, University of Quebec at Montreal. - http://edirc.repec.org/pubecon.html
WebEc - WWW Resources in Economics - WebEc is a classification effort to improve the availability of free information in economics on the WWW. - http://netec.wustl.edu/WebEc/WebEc.html
Economicatlas - Links to international economic data. - http://www.economicatlas.com/index_en.html
Economy Rankings of Countries - Countries of the world ranked by economic statistics, based on CIA world factbook figures. - http://www.photius.com/rankings/economy.html
FreeLunch.com - Free service providing access to over one million economic and financial data series. - http://www.economy.com/freelunch/
Szarka's Economics Links - Links to Economics resources, especially relating to the Internet and to Connecticut. - http://www.szarka.org/econ.html
FindLaw: Law and Economics - Links to law and economics resources, journals, working papers, bibliographies, associations, academic programs, and experts. - http://www.findlaw.com/lawecon/
Michael Alexander's Economics Pages - A listing of interesting economics and job search links for the practicing economist, the educator, or simply the curious. - http://www.leprechaun.com/econ.html
Dr. T's EconLinks.com - Dr. T's comprehensive collection of links for Economists and anyone interested in Economics, Business and Finance. - http://econlinks.com/
Internet Resources for Economists - This site, managed by John Kane of SUNY-Oswego, contains an extensive collection of links to economics resources on the internet. - http://www.oswego.edu/~economic/econweb.htm
Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) - Collaborative volunteer effort to enhance the dissemination of research in economics. - http://repec.org/
Inomics - The Internet service for economists is free and contains an economics search engine, job openings for economists, conference calls in economics as well free alert services for the latter. - http://www.inomics.com/query/show?what=welcome
Economic Growth Resources - These pages are designed as a resource for researchers studying economic growth. - http://www.nuff.ox.ac.uk/economics/growth/