CensusScope - A useful tool for investigating U.S. demographic trends presented as graphics and maps. - http://www.censusscope.org/
U.S. Nonmetropolitan Demographic Trends - Summary of recent American demographic trends. Provided by the Sociology Department of Loyola University, Chicago. - http://www.luc.edu/depts/sociology/johnson/research.html
Quebec Institute of Statistics - Provides economic, social and census data about the province of Quebec. - http://www.stat.gouv.qc.ca/default_an.htm
FreeDemographics - Free access to United States census data from 1990 as well as a preview of the data that will be available upon release of Census 2000. - http://www.freedemographics.com/
US Demography Resources - Access to data sources and their documentation. - http://www.ciesin.org/datasets/us-demog/us-demog-home.html
PopTrend - Software system for population data trends and comparisons. - http://www.ehdp.com/poptrend/
Statistics Canada - In depth population statistics including the Canada 2001 census. - http://www.statcan.ca/
INEGI - Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática of Mexico. [English, Spanish] - http://www.inegi.gob.mx/