ECA, Eastern Communication Association - Professional communication association focuses on research, criticism, communication theory, and excellence in teaching. With relevant links. -
CRG, Communications Research Group - Conducts research into mass media, broadcasting and social policy, such as video violence, minority group representation. Includes reports. -
World Communication Association - Offers news, publications, conferences and events. With membership details. -
SIGDOC - Special Interest Group on Design of Communication of the Association for Computer Machinery offers conferences, publications and awards. -
Association for Chinese Communication Studies - Promotes the study of communication as part of Chinese culture. Online research archives, plus links to books and articles. -
Canadian Communication Association - Bilingual scholarly group focused on Canadian communication issues. Site includes conference information and basic research links. Also known as Association Canadienne de Communication. -
Center For Communication - Provides seminars and speakers on journalism, public relations, and mass media issues. Speaker bios and calendar of events included. -
Eastern Communication Association - Professional association for communication scholars in the northeastern United States. Site includes submittal requirements for Communication Research Reports and Communication Quarterly. -
Western States Communication Association - Organization for scholars in the western United States. Includes conference information and manuscript submission guidelines for Western Journal of Communication and Communication Reports. -
Central States Communication Association - Organization for scholars in the midwestern United States. Conference information and submission standards for its journal, Communication Studies. -
Southern States Communication Association - Organization for scholars in the southern United States provides submittal instructions for the Southern Communication Journal, as well as conference news and research links. -
International Communication Association - Scholarly organization known for its conferences in exotic locations. Site includes abstracts of the current issue of Human Communication Research, Journal of Communication, and Communication Theory. -
National Communication Association - Formerly SCA, this is the oldest scholarly speech association in the United States. Includes information about conventions, research, and educational programs. -
American Communication Association - International organization with a moderate slant toward quantitative communication studies. E-journal, annual conference information, and links to research resources. -