Behavioral and Brain Sciences
- Gives free access to most of the major ("target") articles published since 1993, plus some earlier ones and some still to appear in print in BBS, the leading Cognitive Science journal.
Connexions - An electronic journal concerning developments in cognitive science. -
Evolutionary Psychology - A free, peer reviewed journal concerned with evolutionary approaches to psychology and behavior. -
Mind & Society - An international journal exploring the relationships between mind and action and between action and socio-economic phenomena. Presents the aims and scope, information for authors and editors, and a form for online submissions. -
Philosophical Psychology - "Devoted to developing and strengthening the links between philosophy and the psychological sciences, both as basic sciences and as employed in applied settings." -
European Review of Philosophy - Presents the new series of the review, an international journal devoted to theoretical and philosophical aspects of current research in cognitive science. -
Trends in Cognitive Sciences - Presentation of the journal, which features concise reviews, summaries, opinions and discussion on current research in all aspects of cognition, the mind and the brain. Online access via ScienceDirect. -
Cognition - Hosts theoretical and experimental papers on the study of the mind for an interdisciplinary audience. Provides access to the latest issues via ScienceDirect. -
Mind & Language - Journal information, contents lists and abstracts on the publisher's website. -
Rivista di Filologia Cognitiva - An international online journal of cognitive philology, linguistics and literature. Mainly in Italian, but may also publish articles in English, French, German and Spanish. -
Brain and Cognition - Journal home page at publisher's site. Abstracts available. Articles available with subscription or for a fee. -
Cognitive Science - Journal home page from the Cognitive Science Society site. -
Canadian Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science - An online, refereed cognitive science journal for and by Canadian undergraduates. Submissions from undergraduates in other countries will also be considered. -