WWW Virtual Library: Pacific Studies - An annotated directory of links to sites related to Pacific Studies maintained by the Department of International Studies at the Australian National University. - http://coombs.anu.edu.au/WWWVL-PacificStudies.html
Kumu Pono Associates - Historical and archival documentary research services. Features information on oral history interview studies, land history records and cultural resources management. - http://kumupono.com/
Resources on the Marshall Islands - Environment, economy, culture and history of the Marshall Islands. - http://marshall.csu.edu.au/
Pacific Manuscripts Bureau - Features database of manuscript and document series microfilm titles. Also offers newsletter, list of current projects and contact information. - http://rspas.anu.edu.au/pambu/
Comparative Implementology - A comparative study of mainly surface collected early Polynesian implements, tools and artifacts on the Island of Tubuai in the Austral Islands, French Polynesia. - http://www.implementology.org.pf/